Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 6

He's getting more clever with each passing day! Today he made the kids breakfast while I got in the shower. As usual, I gathered my clothes from the closet and brought them into the bathroom with me, set them on the counter and got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I found a new outfit waiting for me where the one I had picked used to be! Tricky, tricky!

Not too bad at picking up my hints, that man... Oklahoma is COLD! Cold without snow. Bah.

**For the record, I am not posting these things to brag about my husband. Since it seems that I am basically the only one who reads my blog, I am mostly doing it for journalling purposes. So I am sorry if you think that this is a "brag blog". I hate those, too...**


  1. I love reading what he is doing for you! I think it is all so fun and clever. No worries about creating a "I brag about my husband" blog. so share away!

  2. I read your blog!!!!!
    And it has been so fun to see what the next day will bring for you and this fun "game"! You deserve to be spoiled anyways....because you're awesome!

  3. I read! I read! I miss you, too! Journal and blog away! I think its sweet what Josh is doing. Good boy. You certainly deserve it!

  4. I too love it and don't think you are bragging so keep posting!!

  5. On another note---It finally let me comment on your blog!!! YAY!!!
